There are two types of petrol heads in the world. The first eat, breath, and sleep anything automotive. Their day generally starts with a check of their Instagram feed, which is full of car and truck accounts, and then a spirited drive to work. The rest of their day will be filled with thoughts and conversations about anything car related and another spirited drive home. Evenings will be spent at a car meet, in the garage, or online shopping for parts and reading info on other builds. The next day it all starts again. These are the signs of true car lovers.
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The second type picks and chooses when they allow cars or trucks to be the center of their days. The respect and connection is missing from their lives. These people try to use vehicles as a way to be cool and fit in. It’s called posing and you need to stay away from this group at all costs. Trouble seems to revolve around members of this group because of their lack of respect. If you don’t want to be found guilty by association learn these 10 Tips For Spotting A Fake Gear Head.
8. They Treat Their Vehicle Like It’s Just Another Car |
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A surefire way of catching a fake gear head is if they treat their car like it is just an everyday object. True car lovers make long lasting bonds with their vehicles. Many would rather get hit by a car than have their ride take the beating. The love of cars isn’t just about cars. It’s about the history, the future, and respect for our automotive companions.
7. They Know Almost Nothing About Their VehicleAnother easy way to spot a fake gear head is to talk to them about their vehicle. If they know very little information about their car or truck you may have stumbled onto a poser. You would be surprised at the number of alleged car guys that don’t even know where the dipstick is under their hoods or even what size tires they are running. These people use cars as accessories and are just trying to be cool.