A GT500 owner, all sick and tired of the Ford Mustang memes that have literally flooded the Internet, has impulsively decided to sale his car through Craigslist. The post might actually be a fake, but who cares when it’s so hilarious anyway. The Mustang fell victim of its own fame ! No one will ever search for the 2015 mustang mpg or for the latest `stang specs.
Social media is a great tool to employ when you feel like impressing people you haven’t spoken to for ages. The car seller wants to escape the stigma of the ‘Stang owners who just keep on crashing at Cars and Coffee, who have also inspired a crazy Mustang meme storm. So let’s have a look at the seller’s post: ‘I am sick and tired of the Mustang memes. Every time I go to get gas someone asks if I’ve done any burnouts lately or if I’ve been to any car shows... then they laugh and answer for me. “No because the car is still in one piece”
He can’t stand the mockery any longer and decided to kiss his pony goodbye. ‘Well they don’t know me or my car - so I’m selling it. First REASONABLE offer takes it, I want it gone like today. I’m going to buy an Evo or STI or something AWD. Yes I’ll accept trades.’ Then the owner describes his Mustang’s condition as ‘great, except for a little imperfection in the wheel...’ Genius, eh?
Anyway he's better of with a 4 door sedan, a small suv, small cars or some of the new high tech 2016 sports cars.Car is in really great condition, all maintenance on time and up to date - there is a small flaw in the rim that is not in the pictures, drivers side front. I WAS doing a burnout when I JUST BOUGHT the car while at the Mustang Anniversary car show in Portland - the PSI was off in the tires and I BARELY hit a curb, will need a new rim, tire, control arm, bushings, axle, bearing and front lip. Insurance salvaged it BUT I think it’s an easy fix.CASH TALKS